Channel, Intuitive & Energy Transformer

Hi- I’m erin

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I help you connect to your highest self, unlocking your true potential.

I work with those who are ready to access the power of their intuitive guidance systems to live a FUCK YES life.

Before I could help others transform their lives…

I had to transform my own.

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Erin Rogers, Intuition coach and energy healer

Growing up, I was conditioned to believe that you had to live life “by the book,” and so I climbed the corporate ladder as a successful HR and recruitment leader for major global organizations.

But even though on paper I created all the success in the world, I still felt incomplete and out of alignment with myself.

Erin Rogers, intuition coach and energy healer

Fifteen years into my career, on a weekend spiritual retreat a lightning strike inspired me to take action. I decided to leave the known, completely change my life, and created a life led by my intuition.

The results were wild; I was deeply supported in unexpected ways financially and energetically, started traveling and living the way I had always desired.

Life looks completely different

I move with my intuition (figuratively & literally), embody the messages and intuitive insights I receive and grew into a way of living that allowed me to fully embrace myself.

Business blossomed, I fully stepped into Entrepreneurship. I grew the business my way, led by my Intuition, Channel and Spirit Guides; taking aligned action with success after success.

Ready to tap into your own intuition?

We work together to remove obstacles and empower you to achieve the life you desire - your 'Fuck Yes Life.'

By working with your own energy and changing limiting beliefs, we clear away old patterns and bridge the gap to reach your best version.

With my help, you'll create success with ease and flow, seeing life from a perspective that makes your dreams a reality.

Creating a life that feels magical.

i work with clients in these ways:

Create your own highly intuitive existence and experience flow, ease and infinite possibility in my intimate 1:1 containers.


1:1 clients


Group Programs

Drop the shoulds and find your vibey, aligned life alongside a powerhouse community that’s doing the same.



Take charge of your destiny and become your own cosmic teacher as you learn to channel, connect with Spirit, interpret the astro and more.

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